Victim compensation

The 9th Judicial District Crime Victim Compensation Board provides compensation to any person who is victimized by violent crime in Garfield, Pitkin or Rio Blanco Counties in Colorado. Colorado residents who are victimized in a state or country that does not have a victim compensation program, or residents who are victims of international terrorism, are also eligible to apply.

Victims of crime MAY receive up to $30,000 (as of 3/19/2020) for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance or other collateral resources. Funds to pay crime victim compensation claims do not come from taxpayers. Instead, these funds are collected through fines from criminals convicted of felony and misdemeanor crime, and some traffic offenses.

Listed below are the general eligibility requirements to apply for compensation.

Compensable losses

Only losses directly related to the compensable crime are eligible. These may include: medical expenses, mental health expenses, lost wages,lost support to dependents, funeral expenses,repair and replacement of doors, locks and/or windows of residential property only, and security devices.

Eligibility requirements

  1. The crime must have occurred in Garfield, Pitkin or Rio Blanco County in Colorado; Colorado residents who are injured in a state or country that does not have a compensation program are also eligible to apply.
  2. The crime must be one in which the victim sustains mental or bodily injury, death, or property damage to doors, locks and windows of residential property.
  3. The crime must have occurred on or after July 1, 1982.
  4. The victim must reasonably cooperate with law enforcement officials in the investigation and prosecution of the case.
  5. The injury or death of the victim must not be the result of the victim’s own wrongdoing.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these requirements may be waived for “good cause” or in the “interest of justice” at the discretion of the board.

General information

  1. All awards are subject to the availability of funds.
  2. There does not have to be an arrest to be eligible for compensation.
  3. If you have insurance, you must first file your claims with the insurance company.
  4. The filing of an application does not mean your claim is approved. Your application will be reviewed by the compensation board in the district where the crime occurred. The board will determine approval or denial.
  5. Should your claim be denied, you have the right to request a reconsideration hearing before the board in the district that reviewed your claim. You will be notified, in writing, of reconsideration hearing information. If, after the reconsideration hearing, your claim is still denied, you have the statutory right to have the board’s decision reviewed by the district court in your judicial district.
  6. Your claim will be investigated and presented to the Victim Compensation Board. This process may take up to 60 days.
  7. Total recovery may not exceed the 9th Judicial District CVC policy of $30,000. Compensation for some categories is limited by Board policy.
  8. Should your claim be denied, you have the right to request reconsideration of the Board’s decision and have the right to submit new or additional information related to the reason(s) for the Board’s denial or reduction of your claim. You may arrange for reconsideration by contacting the Victim Compensation Program within 60 days from the date in which you received notice of the denial or reduction of your claim. If you request a reconsideration of the Board’s decision, further information concerning the reconsideration process will be mailed to you. In the event the denial is upheld by the Board, you have a right to have the Board’s decision reviewed in accordance with the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure within 30 days.
  9. For further information regarding CVC, please call 970-945-8635 and request to speak to a CVC Staff person.
  10. If the victim/applicant does not speak English, please contact the CVC Program by calling (970) 945-8635 and leaving a message. A staff person will return the message in your native Language.
  11. If you do not speak English, are hearing impaired, Blind or require any other accommodations to complete an application please call 970-945-8635
  12. All materials received, made or kept by the CVC Program or district attorney concerning an application for victim’s compensation made under C.R.S. 24-4.1-100.1 are confidential.
  13. Victims have a right to be notified by the district attorney’s office if a subpoena has been issued by the court for the CVC claim file, or materials in the CVC claim files, for which the victim submitted an application.
  14. Contact the CVC program at 970-945-8635 if crime related bills have been turned over to a collection agency.

How to file a claim

Victims of crime are required to complete an application and submit it to the board. Itemized bills related to the crime should be submitted with the application. If no bills have been received, an application can still be filed and bills can still be submitted to the compensation program as they are received. The processing time is approximately 60 days to be notified of the program’s decision once bills have been received.

To complete an online Crime Victim Compensation application, click on the button below to set up a user profile and create an online application.

Using an online application will significantly increase the processing time of an application. Supporting documents can be uploaded to your application and will assist in determining program eligibility.

Client survey

Victim/Witness Assistance Program client survey – English
Victim/Witness Assistance Program client survey – Spanish
Non-VRA client survey – English
Non-VRA client survey – Spanish