The 9th Judicial District Attorney’s Office Bad Check reporting program is designed to assist victims of check writers in which checks for services or goods have been written on accounts with non-sufficient funds. This Bad Check Program may receive bad check reports directly from victims of these crimes and attempts to work with the check writer in order to have the money owed to the victim restored. If attempts to restore the money owed are not effective, the 9th Judicial District Attorney’s Office reviews the case for possible criminal charges.
The forms listed below will assist in filing a report with the Bad Check program. Please review the criteria listed in the Bad Check Program Report to confirm the eligibility of the bad check you may have received. If the criteria are not met, this program cannot accept your report.
Additionally, if the bad check you received was written on a closed account, involves fraud or forgery, or multiple bad checks have been received by the check writer, this program cannot accept your report and you may refer these cases to your local law enforcement to investigate as a possible criminal matter.
If you have questions about this program or if your situation meets the criteria for this program, please feel free to contact the Bad Check Program at: 970-945-8635
To submit your report, please complete the forms in entirety and deliver or mail to:
District Attorney, 9th Judicial District
Bad Check Program
109 8th Street #308
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601